TIP - To save mobile data charges when downloading all your emails, connect to WIFI before doing so.
1. From the Home Screen, go to 'Apps' in the bottom right corner then find 'Settings'
2. Go to 'ACCOUNTS' along the top row and then down to 'Add account'

3. Tap 'Email'

4. Enter your email address and password then tap 'MANUAL SETUP'


6. Enter the details needed below:
Email address -Your email address
Username'- Your email address again
Password - Your Mailbox password
IMAP server - Your mail server name - for example mail.customerdomain.co.uk
Tap 'NEXT'

7. Enter the details below:
SMTP server - Your mail server name - for example mail.customerdomain.co.uk
Security type - None
Port - 587
Require sign in - Checked
Username - your email address
Password - Your mailbox password
Tap 'NEXT'

8. Change the drop down boxes for:
Period to sync Email - ALL
Sync schedule - Every 5 minutes
Peak schedule - Every 5 minutes
Tap 'NEXT'

9. Tap 'DONE'

10. Go into your emails from the Apps menu and you will see your email being downloaded from the server.