Small Business Hosting Outage / Planned Maintenance SLAs Print

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Below is a list of our response times that we will adhere to if we are to have a service outage or if we are performing planned maintenance on our servers. In either of these events we want to ensure that our customers are kept fully up to date with what is going on and why.

- Small Business Hosting offers a 99.9% uptime guarantee meaning that your website and services will be up and running for at least 99.9% of the time during any given 12 month time period.

Server Related Issues / Outages
- We are monitoring all of our servers and services on a 24x7 basis and will take instant action if there are any issues that we are alerted to.
- We will update our Status page, which can be found at, within 5 minutes of becoming aware of any service or server related issues.
- If the issue has not been resolved within 30 minutes we will provide an update and then keep customers updated every 2 hours with our current progress and what actions we are going to be taking in order to bring services back online. These announcements will be posted via our Status page.
- In the event of an issue taking longer than 24 hours to resolve, we will provide a full report of what went wrong, why it occurred and the steps that we have taken in order to rectify the problem as well as solutions that have been put in place to prevent it from happening again.

Server / Service Maintenance
We aim to provide the highest quality hosting services to all of our customers, so from time to time we may need to perform maintenance on specific servers or servies in order to patch, update or upgrade them.

- If Small Business Hosting needs to perform maintenance on any of our services then we will alert customers 48 hours ahead of the maintenance. All updates can be found on our Status page over at
- If the planned maintenance is taking us longer than initially expected / stated then we will update customers as soon as we have more information available via our Status page.

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