How do I cancel a service I no longer require? Print

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In order to cancel one of the services that you have got with Small Business Hosting, you will first of all need to login to your Client Management Portal.

Once this is done you will want to go to the Services > My Services heading if you wish to cancel a hosting package, or if you wish to cancel a Domain Name you will want to go to Domains > My Domains.

Selecting My Domains  Cancel My Services

Cancelling a Hosting Package
Once you have gone into your services section of your Client Management Portal you then want to click the dropdown at end of the row for your service and then select the 'Request Cancellation' option.

Requesting a Service Cancellation

You will then be taken to the hosting service cancellation request page. On this page, before you proceed with the cancellation, please confirm that you are cancelling the correct package(1). Once this is done, please give us a brief description of why you are cancelling your hosting package. Any feedback is greatly appreciated as it will help us to improve our service. Then from the dropdown you want to choose if you wish to cancel your hosting package Immediately or if you would like to cancel it at the end of your billing period.

Cancellation Request Form

Once you have entered all of the information you then want to select the 'Request Cancellation' button in order to confirm the cancellation of your services. 

Request Cancellation

Please Note: If a renewal invoice has been generated for a service you are cancelling, the invoice will be automatically cancelled when your cancellation request is processed.

Cancelling a Domain Name
Domain Names are treated slightly differently, because once you have purchased it for a the allocated time period you will own it for that time. We don't offer refunds on Domain Names, so it is important that you make sure that you double check the domain name you are purchasing before purchase.

If, however, you want to set your domain name to not auto-renew then do the following:

Go to the Domains > My Domains heading from within your Client Management Portal. When in this area you wil want to select the dropdown next to the Domain Name that you don't want to renew and then go to 'Auto Renewal Status'. 

Cancelling a Domain Name

Once taken to the Auto Renewal page, you then want to select the 'Disable Auto Renew' button, which will stop your Domain Name from renewing.

Disable Auto Renew on a Domain Name

If you have any issues cancelling a hosting package or disabling the Auto Renew on a domain name then please create a support ticket via your Client Management Portal.

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