When you are logged into the Management Portal you then want to select the 'Open Ticket' option from the top navigation bar.

You then want to select the department that you wish to be in contact with.

This will take you to a web form where we ask that you fill out as much information as possible so that our support team can get your issue resolved in a timely manner. For a guide on what to include in a Support ticket please read our Knowledgebase Article - Details to provide when asking for help.

1) Your name and email address will be populated by the name and email address on your account. While we don't respond via email, you will still be notified when a response has been made to your ticket.
2) Give us a brief subject of what your ticket is about. For example if you are having a password issue with an email address then set the subject to be 'Password issue with customername@customerdomain.co.uk', replacing customername with your email address and customerdomain.co.uk with your domain name.
3) The department will be set to what you chose on the previous screen, however if you chose the wrong department you can select a different department from the dropdown. Please note that submitting your tickets to the wrong department won't speed up the response times, and may delay your ticket being replied to as it will need to be sent through to the correct department.
4) Selecting the service that you are having issues with from the DropDown will allow us to know specifically what you are having trouble with. We can also use this for future support as if you end up having the same issue more than once, we will have a resolution that was previously applied that we can do again for you. If you do not yet have a service with Small Business Hosting then leave the Related Service as 'None'.
5) Select the priority of your support ticket. Please note that selecting a priority that is not relevant to the ticket will not get your ticket replied to any faster, and may delay the response. Below are some examples of different priority tickets:
Low: Any issue that may be affecting an individual within a company or the systems that they are using. For example a password reset is required on a mailbox or if you are looking to transfer away a domain name from Small Business Hosting.
Medium: Any issue that may be affecting one of our Resellers. Any issue that is affecting multiple users, but not the entire company. For example if a reseller is having an issue creating a new hosting account or if multiple users are having a similar issue with their emails or website.
High: If your entire hosting package is having issues or if there is a technical issue that is server wide and is not currently mentioned on our status page. You can find our network status page at http://www.sbhstatus.com/
6) Details of the issue that you are experiencing. Please be specific so that the support team is able to pinpoint and resolve your issue as soon as possible for you.
7) If you have any error messages or any bounce back emails then please screenshot them and attach them to the support ticket. These screenshots may be able to help us pinpoint an issue faster and resolve your issue for you.
8) Finally, once the above has been complete you will want to submit your support ticket to our support team.