Our Blog


Changes to .biz and .gb.com domains

Posted by sbh-admin on 31 03 2017.

Following the ICANN changes to domain registration, transfer, and renewal procedures in November (for anybody who missed it, the blog post in question is linked below), there are a couple of minor changes that have happened this month. The first is that all .AR.COM, .GB.COM, .HU.COM, .KR.COM, .QC.COM, .NO.COM, .SE.COM, and…

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Knowledge Base Article Changes

Posted by sbh-admin on 15 02 2017.

As you may be aware, over the last couple of months we’ve been working to upgrade the software on our servers and we’ve also been updating our client facing portals (such as the Client Management Portal and CPanel). As such, it’s worth noting that some of our knowledgebase articles may have slightly out…

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What’s in store for 2017?

Posted by sbh-admin on 05 01 2017.

Following on from a very good year in 2016, we have a lot in store for 2017. We’ve set ourselves some targets for 2017, and as such we intend to do the following: Continuation of our achievements from 2016. We will continue to ensure our servers are up-to-date and will continue to make…

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What have we done for you in 2016?

Posted by sbh-admin on 23 12 2016.

Over the last year, we’ve been very busy working behind the scenes to ensure we can offer the best possible service to you. These are our proudest achievements from 2016: Customer Services This year we’ve been working to speed up our initial response times to all support tickets, both technical and customer…

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Important changes to gTLD (.com, .org, .xyz) rules

Posted by sbh-admin on 26 11 2016.

As some of you may be aware, ICANN (the organisation that creates the rules for gTLD domains such as .com, .net, .org etc) has changed some of their rules. The biggest change you need to know about is that any changes to the first name, last name, organisation, or email address…

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What makes a good website?

Posted by sbh-admin on 25 10 2016.

If you have web hosting with us, you may be wondering what kind of content you should put on your website. In this blog post, I’ll be explaining some of the key things that you should include on your website to ensure that it gives visitors (that could very easily be…

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3 WordPress Security Tips

Posted by sbh-admin on 23 09 2016.

WordPress has many uses. It can be used on personal blogs, it can be used personal portfolio websites, and it can be used by companies for their main websites too. WordPress’ biggest headline feature is the way allows users to very easily update the content on their website without knowing how…

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.com and .uk pricing increases

Posted by sbh-admin on 10 01 2016.

As of the 1st of March 2016, .com and .uk domain names will be increasing in price.   1 year registration/ renewal 2 year registration/ renewal .com £12.50 £25.00 .uk £7.50 £15.00 Prices excluding VAT.   Domain registry price increases and inflation means that the cost of some domain names is increasing. We have avoided putting our prices up for as long…

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Don’t fall victim to the registrar spam scam!

Posted by sbh-admin on 01 11 2015.

One of the more popular spam messages circulating at the moment are ones which state that they are from Enom or other registrars and appear to be warning you about your domain. Receiving an email from your registrar claiming that your domain name has been suspended is a cause for concern. The…

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How can I create a secure password?

Posted by sbh-admin on 21 10 2015.

Passwords are always tricky to come up with and with heightened awareness of internet security recently we have had customers ask what a good password is. In short; a good password is one which is hard to guess. Unfortunately there are a lot more bad passwords out there than there…

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